man's best friend...

boxers and standard poodles and pugs abound in my neighborhood...they seem to be the breeds of choice out here...but i confess to being a little irritated by all this purebred obsession. it's insane how many dogs there are in shelters and at the nyc pound--all of which need just as much pampering as the paris hilton set. why adopt from a specialty breeder in jersey when you can get a gorgeous, character-laden canine from bide-a-wee, the aspca, or mighty mutts?
the argument is so often that "with a breeder, you know where the dog came from." it's not a car,'s a dog. ironically enough, mutts seem to be smarter, healthier, and calmer than their purebred peers...and consider this: while a designer pooch may make you feel pretty, rescuing a loving pup from certain death makes you feel pretty terrific.
fix your jones for the perfect pooch at: bide-a-wee, the aspca, or mighty mutts.
Posted by sarah t. at 4:22 PM
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