today--a love story
today, a beautiful love story from mcsweeney's...a love story that entirely fits our time.

Here, the first few lines:
No one in the Burger King saw Tina slide her Whopper under the table and stuff it with the head and torso of a freshly killed rat, which she had covertly removed from her purse moments earlier. No one, that is, but Glenn. He had watched the lovely but sad young woman from the moment she had walked into the restaurant. And now, as she was surely about to take a bite of the adulterated sandwich and let loose a hideous shriek, he sat down across the table from her....
and, while you're there, consider giving time or $$ to 826NYC -- a fantastic nonprofit that gives kids a chance to loose their inner artists.
fix your jones for something cleverly written @
Posted by sarah t. at 9:34 AM
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