geisha beauty
In the grand world of brand loyalty, people go a little nuts. From Starbucks triple shot half caf mocha frappuchinos to Levis Jeans to Magnolia Bakery cupcakes, we all have our bizarre obsessions. I have my own crazy product loyalty--for me it's clorox wipes, paper dictionaries, and all things google. I used to console myself with the idea that i had few brand obsessions...but lately i've been close to falling victim to another.

i was introduced to fresh, inc., remarkable makers of skincare, makeup, home products, and the most amazing lip balm ever, by friends about 3 years ago, specifically around their perfumes--unique, natural, dare I say fresh fragrances that range from the musky, masculine tobacco flower to the newly created pink jasmine.

Lev Glazman and Alina Roytberg, husband and wife co-founders of Fresh, believe that every product must be as enjoyable as it is effective. Sophisticated delivery systems and innovative formulas advance the performance of ingredients both familiar and exotic. Visually engaging packaging reveals sensuous textures and scents for a uniquely gratifying multi-sensory experience. Trusting their instincts and responding to their own genuine needs, Lev and Alina keep Fresh consistently ahead of the curve.for christmas, santa left a prize in my stocking that i had somehow missed during my pre-holiday shopping there. there, in a little pink box, was a jar of goo straight from heaven. Part of a temporary line inspired by the film Memoirs of a Geisha (I merchandising...kinda sketch), the flower petal face mask is amazing...not crusty and uncomfortable like every other mask i've ever used...this one is a luxurious gel (algae extract) filled with crushed peony and rose petals and chamomile and aloe oils. are you kidding me? it is incredible...i highly recommend.

try it. you'll like it.
for the cosmopolitan among you, visit the fresh in your neighborhood; all others, fix your jones for bath, body, and face with a twist @
Posted by sarah t. at 3:05 PM
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